Welcome on website of company VAKO-CZ s.r.o.
We are a medium-sized company engaged in engineering activities, specializing in the production and assembly of machinery, production lines and steel structures. Another part of our production program consists of automatic washing equipment for car chassis, conveyors, manipulators, or vibrating wire feeders for wire concrete. You can find a sample of our products in the Photo Gallery section.
Our team builds on an experienced technical office, responsible foremen and qualified production experts.
We fully guarantee a high professional level of work performed in the required quality and on the agreed dates. The submitted work complies with all applicable laws, regulations and ordinances.
What we offer:
manufacture and assembly of steel structures
manufacture and installation of machinery
repairs and reconstruction
CNC shaped cutting
surface finishes
car transport
technical advisory activity
About us
Our company was founded in 2003 and draws on many years of experience gained from previous exposure of our employees in other companies.
Quality Management System is certified by STAVCERT in accordance with s ČSN EN ISO 9001 ,ČN EN ISO 3834-2 , ČSN 732601-Z2. Production facilities are 2500m2 large and in this space works about 30 - 40 employers. Handling of products ensures overhead crane and forklifts. Special works are done in cooperation, because we want to cover the complete requirements of our customers.
We guarantee high proffesional level of work performed in the required quality and to the agreed deadlines.
2-Etage-Verschiebewagen | Zdvihací zařízení | Část linky pro dřevozpracující průmysl |
Stapledoppler | Mobilní mycí jednotky | Násypky živničních směsí |
Technologie chladící linky | Válečkové dopravníky | Dopravníky a manipulátory |
CNC shape cutting
Our company offers capacities for cooperative plasma / fire cutting on the machine Honkys
- Flame cutting in the range of 15 - 100mm sheet thickness
- Plasma cutting in the range of 2 - 40mm sheet thickness
- Max cutting format 2 x 6 metres
- Shipment of fragments and other materials by truck DAF
Pálící automat Honkyš
Pálící automat Honkyš
Filtrace TIGEMMA
Trnávka 120
PSČ: 535 01
Tel: 466 932 067
IČO: 25997882
DIČ: CZ25997882
Kladruby nad Labem 134
PSČ: 533 14
tel: 723 655 812